10 Tips to relieve mental stress

Stress is a very overwhelming feeling that nobody escapes. It’s also a method of response for your body to threats and some kinds of demand. This response method is also your body’s way of protecting you. As long as it is working properly, stress can help you stay focused and alert. It can boost your memory and help you accomplish tasks efficiently.

Practical Ways to Relieve Mental Stress

Stress is a very overwhelming feeling that nobody escapes. It’s also a method of response for your body to threats and some kinds of demand. This response method is also your body’s way of protecting you. As long as it is working properly, stress can help you stay focused and alert. It can boost your memory and help you accomplish tasks efficiently.

Stress is beneficial for well-living but when it’s too much, it can be detrimental. It’s just like when you try to stand on one foot. Your body is likely to be shaky because you need both legs to be balanced. If you find yourself often feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, then you need to bring yourself back to balance. To help get this balance, here are a few tips you should try;

1. Exercise

Exercise is very important, especially when it comes to relieving stress. If you exercise regularly, the physical stress through exercise can help relieve mental stress. This is because exercise can help reduce stress hormones and release new chemicals (endorphins) that act as natural painkillers and mood boosters. Exercise also improves the quality of your sleep and your self-confidence — which contributes to your mental well-being.

2. Reduce caffeine intake

Caffeine is said to be the most commonly used drug in the world. It’s a stimulant mostly found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, chocolate and some drugs, to help stay awake, improve focus or reduce tiredness.

We react to caffeine on different levels. Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine and it is said to cause anxiety when they consume it. Consuming caffeine can be healthy but a high intake of caffeine, regardless of how sensitive you are, can cause headaches, anxiety, insomnia, stress and many other physical and mental health issues.

3. Aromatherapy

This is one of my personal favourites. Do you have those days when you decide to have scented candle lit while listening to lo-fi music in a dark room? It’s all part of it.

Aromatherapy is widely practised in India and China. It is a method of treatment that uses natural extracts from plants to enhance physical and mental well-being. It can also be referred to as essential oil therapy.

Aromatherapy works through our sense of smell and skin absorption. Sometimes, when I have a headache, I rub lavender oil and just rest for a while. It’s extremely soothing and has an amazing scent, so I prefer that method to painkiller tablets. Aromatherapy also helps to improve your sleep and reduce stress and anxiety. If you would like to try aromatherapy, here are some scents I recommend:

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Frankincense
  • Jasmine
  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus

4. Interact and spend more time with friends and family

Studies have found that people who have very few social relationships and connections are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. Every day, I find myself being thankful for my friends. They bring joy to me and support me as much as they can.

Spending time with people who make you happy is a very good way to relieve yourself of stress and anxiety.

5. Practice journaling

Journaling is a very therapeutic exercise. Writing how you feel in a journal helps you gain clarity on the source of your anxiety and tackling it. It’s also a very good way to relieve mental stress.

While you’re at it, keep recordings of what you’re grateful for. This helps you focus your thoughts on the positive and that might be the realization you need.

6. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to focus your attention on the present and accept it without any judgement. This helps you to slowly get rid of negative thinking and relieves anxiety. Mindfulness improves your physical and mental health. Some of the best ways to practice mindfulness include; yoga, meditation and therapy.

7. Listening to music

Music can be very relaxing to the mind and body. Music with slow-paced instrumentals and lo-fi beats can help the body relax by lowering the blood pressure and heart rate to reduce the stress hormones. They are also calming and this is why we see people use them in study or meditation sessions.

8. Breathing Exercises

Taking a deep breath is another method to control your body’s relaxation response. It helps you to focus your attention on your breathing, making it slower and deeper. This lowers your heart rate and blood pressure to allow you to feel calmer.

9. Physical Intimacy

Cuddles, hugs, kisses and sex are also good ways to relieve stress. Physical intimacy causes the release of oxytocin that help lower blood pressure and heart rate. This reduces stress and anxiety effectively. It has also been found in studies that having healthy sex is important to live a healthy life.

10. Avoid Procrastination

Disorganisation is one of the easiest ways to get stressed. To control this, you should work with priorities and stop procrastinating.

When you procrastinate, you might have to act impulsively and end up hurrying to finish up work. This can reduce your sleep quality and cause a physical or mental breakdown. To avoid these, maintain a habit of making to-do lists, priorities and plans for the day.

Stress is inevitable but to prevent permanent damage, we must find ways to relieve ourselves of stress. This will help you boost your immune system, increase productivity, improve your mood, sleep quality and overall lifestyle.


